PDF檔-TPU 1WLG585D8 TDS40%長GF、韌性、超高剛性、耐熱強化
1WLG585D8 中硬度
TPU 40%長GF、韌性、超高剛性、耐熱強化塑料
射出級 injection
Description 1WLG585D8 高性能工程 TPU 複合材料,含 40%的⻑玻璃纖維複合,它具備有優異之韌性、高機械 強度、耐磨耗性以及耐溶劑性,可抗 UV 在紫外線照射下保持良好的物理性能,適用於射出用途。 1WLG585D8 high-performance engineering TPU composite material, containing 40% long glass fiber composite, it has excellent toughness, high mechanical strength, wear-resistance and solvent resistance can resist UV to maintain good physical properties under ultraviolet irradiation, Suitable for injection purposes.